Monday, August 27, 2012

Due Date

It is hard to believe 1 year ago we were patiently (HA!) awaiting the arrival of our baby. My mom had just arrived from Colorado and Uncle Erik had demanded we go out for Mexican in hopes that the spicy enchilada would induce labor. The meal was delicious but it did not do the trick! It would be another week before our little girl would enter our world! She was nice and cozy in there but EXTREMELY active. Hmm, that explains her energy levels today!


Thursday, August 23, 2012


What's up, Hollywood? Just off to my next gig.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hidden Treasures

We stumbled upon an old CAT toy backhoe this past Sunday while strolling around on a spontaneous afternoon. Rick couldn't resist purchasing this one for the small price of $15. We later saw the toy online for more than $160. We happened to be by his job site and stopped in for a quick photo session and introduction to his boss. Teagan was 100% game for the random fun! Heavy machinery runs in the family on both sides. Plus, we aren't afraid of introducing our sweet baby girl to a little dirt!


Friday, August 10, 2012

Teagan - quick 11 month update

The past 3 or 4 weeks have been a whirlwind. We are making the most of the last weeks of summer. But what really amazes us is how Teagan is rapidly emerging out of the baby phase and into a toddler. She took 6 consecutive steps on July 16th (10.5 months) and then several days later we counted 12 and then 20 and now all she does is walk! It was incredible to watch her figure it out. She actually is very graceful in her efforts and displays excellent balance.

The word of the month is hi/hey accompanied by a wave of the hand. She waves to everybody and everything. The door, the tree, Lolo the lamby, the chickens at the fair, the cashier at the grocery store, the man sitting next to us on the plane. I think nurse Mary had it right at 4 days old...we have a social butterfly in he making. She is now putting phones and other objects up to her ear like she is on the phone. Socialite!

Other things she loves:
Buckles - high chair, car seat, stroller, Grandpa's backpack, keys
Hats - or anything that could go on her head...they don't stay on her head but she loves putting them on and taking them off
Food - she eats EVERYTHING except broccoli...that belongs on the floor
Remote Controls - especially the expensive one
Lolo the Lamby - her favorite lovey for now
The Pool - splashing but mostly walking around pulling the lei's off the dummy, taking the lifeguards water bottles and waving to the other kids
Stairs - up and down and up and down

1 year will be here soon - wow and yay in the same breath!!

