Our baby girl is 12 weeks old and is approaching the 3 month mark! I know I said it when I wrote about her at 6 weeks but holey moley time if flying! Teagan's true personality is starting to shine through and makes our hearts smile constantly. We always had an idea of what parenthood would be like but we never expected it would be this incredible. She teaches us daily lessons in love, loyalty, simple needs and living in the moment. She is such a good baby and brings joy to so many people.
12 weeks marks the end of my maternity leave as well. I am sad to be going back to work but I know things will shake out the way they are meant to be. I feel so blessed to have had this time with Teagan. I spent some time at the day care and know she will be in excellent hands. The caregivers were so great with the babies and I already see Teagan making friends with the other kiddos. It will be interesting when the structure of my days go from tummy time and trips to Target to conference calls and server configurations.

Teagan's latest tricks and happenings -
She loves her fists. She will stare at them in awe as if she is just learning they are attached to her arms. She is especially fond of the thumb between her forefinger middle finger - this is the letter T for Teagan in sign language! She is also discovering her feet as she watches them fly around and thump up and down.
Mirrors! She just recently started to smile at us and herself in the mirror. The daycare she is going to has a triangle mirror that the babies can crawl through or lay in - she is going to love that!
Sleep...it is amazing how she puts her to sleep at night and after a middle of the night feeding. We turn the monitor on expecting to hear some signs of awakening but not a peep (crossing fingers she continues this skill). She is consistent in sleeping 5-6 (a couple times 7) hours at night before being fed. She is not a napper! I am sure this will change but as of now, we will take the mini cat-naps.
She has moved on from her love of the ceiling fan...to the TV. Yikes...I do not like this new obsession but I think it is the light and movement more than anything. She loves when daddy watched the Red Zone on Sundays!
Bath time is so much fun! She smiles in the warm water as we splash around and sponge her down. All signs thus far indicate she will be a water lover like her daddy!
She is mastering the grasp. She is starting to reach out to toys placed in front of her but if you place something in her hands, she grips it right away. Along with this, she continues the hand to mouth motion. Sometimes a fist goes in, sometimes a shirt or a toy.
Expanding vocabulary. We could listen to her "chat" all day! The noises she makes range from a wimper to a giggle to a hiiiii to a sigh. We have conversations with her where she will mock the sound we make. The smiles continue to come more and more but she has a new look too...the super serious look. She gets this look of deep thought as if she is trying to solve a complex math problem. Her eyes are alert as ever and she is follwing movement around the room (especially looking for mom and dad!)
Rolling over will be next. I can just see it! She is starting to throw her legs up in the air and to one side. She did it once with the assistance of a wedged blanket. But her crib movement is hilarious...we put her down facing one way and go to find her completely turned the opposite direction. Oh and the crib....she loves it! She started in the crib on October 20th and hasn't looked back. I laid her in the bassinet the other day while I put sheets on the bed and she looked so big in it!
She continues to eat like a champion. The breastfeeding is still going really well. It is amazing to me how our bodies communicate and sort it all out. I look forward to the nights where she sleeps 8+ hours but I honestly enjoy the quiet night feedings where it seems like we are the only two awake in the whole world. Just the other night, I thought Rick was sound asleep. We both started laughing aloud as she started to guzzle away as if it was her first meal in weeks!
Her 2 month stats were: 11lbs12.5oz, 15.75" head and 25.25" which puts her over the 100th percentile for length! This girl has long everything! A couple of weeks ago we noticed how long her eyelashes are. Her hair is starting to grow and is still whispering blonde. The eyes are dark blue and her skin is like a china doll. I often rub her cheeks to mine and there is nothing like baby eskimo kisses!
Recent Highlights -
Grandparents Visit - Grandma Janet and Grandpa Todd came for a few days November 6th. We had a blast hanging out while they got some quality Teagan time in. It is a joy watching them interact with her. My dad said he has her expressions memorized now! We enjoyed their company and they got to see how much Teagan has changed in 2 months - win and win!

First trip to city - We headed to Chicago for dinner at friends house and a play date with cousin Ryker. Those two are going to have so much fun when they can play together! Teagan and I also headed downtown to meet the coworkers. It was fun to show her off and we enjoyed lunch at the Sears (Willis) Tower and met Beth and Jenny at Starbucks. She was an angel the whole trip!

Walks with Riley and Lauren - It was perfect timing that we were both on maternity leave at the same time! The babies snooze through our stoller rides but it is a good excuse to get out and about.

Springfield visit - We headed south to see mom again as well as meet Great Grandpa Richardson on November 11th. The first trip to the farm was so fun since that is the house I grew up visiting day in and out. Teagan got to stay in the "kids room" where I once played with snoopy and dressed up in Grandma's old costumes. We also got to see Anna and Tim, Ashley Chris and their new baby Ben as well as the Knox Family. No trip is complete without a trip to Capone's! We stopped in Bloomington to have lunch with Uncle Chris as well!