Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

Congratulations are in order for our friends Christy and Todd as they were engaged on Friday February 19th! Todd had been a busy man with a work "proposal" due on Friday. They celebrated with a couples massage and Christy walked away with a newly decorated ring finger! He had planned a suprise engagement party on Saturday so we could all celebrate with the newly engaged couple as well. Michele even came to town for the special occasion!

The engagement celebration happened to have another side to it. One year ago (2/21) Christy had a soccer accident that landed her in the ICU. It was the situation where minutes in the emergency room turned into hours and hours into days in the ICU at Rush Hospital. Christy has always been a fighter and her recovery 1 year later is yet another reason to celebrate. It is and continues to be a reminder that life is precious and each day is a gift!

Congratulations again to Todd and Christy! I am looking forward to jumping back into wedding planning mode. A 4 month break was just too long :)


Sunday, February 14, 2010


We have been married for 4 months and it took me this long to get my last name changed with the government. Although, the marriage license looks pretty official to me! The county in which we were married has yet to grasp the concept of "online requests" so we relied on "snail mail" to get the job done. My best friend Michele warned me the process wasn't easy so I kept that in my back pocket at the Social Security office as well. In my Wheel of Fortune, I have dropped a vowel and added a verb. I have gone from EAI to EAT which is equally cool (if not a little cooler) as Rick's alphabetized RST.

In other news...Rick is amidst his first weekend off in 2010! We have been catching up on sleep, baking, putting the house back together, visiting our friends at Home Depot, tried a new restaurant in Glen Ellyn and went on a snowy yet sunny fox hunt with Stewie in our local Churchill Woods park.

The restaurant we tried was one I drive by daily en route to the train station - Glen Oak in downtown Glen Ellyn. It has been in business for over 30 years but with a recent sign change and remodel we just had to try it. The food was great and the prices were very reasonable but it was the customer service that will bring us back to this local favorite. The owner came up to our table and introduced herself, asked what brought us in and even provided a free dessert. She took true pride in her business and that made a difference in our dining experience!

Happy Valentines Day (and all that jazz)!