Monday, August 28, 2017

Does this thing work?

would like to get back into blogging or documenting memories.  Blogger removed their iPhone app so wanting to see if this even works!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Bedtime stall tactics

Putting a 3.5 year old to bed can pose quite a challenge from time to time.  Teagan still takes a nap at school so bed time after a nap is always much more challenging then the days without a nap. We admit we have never been extremely strict about bed and overall we read books and she makes her requests...some of which we comply with  ...and then she does her thing in her room until she goes to sleep.  I had to document a small sampling of the things she comes up with in the process. They often teeter on the edge of a necessity to be comfortable or a stall tactic.  Either way, she is crafty!!

My lips are chapped

I am thirsty

That light is too bright 

I want to wear different jammies

My baby is crying

I need an ice pack 

These (stuffed) dogs are looking at me 

This book pinched my fingers 

I need a band-aid

I need a tissue 

I forgot to go potty 

Are the doors locked?

One more kiss (works every time) 

Can you tell me another story? 

We didn't do the Cars book (seek n find book she has memorized)  

I need to clean up my room (at 930pm?!)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2015...the early days

We are getting back into the routine after the different schedules we encountered over the holidays.  We also were plagued with a little stomach bug with the kids but have made a recovery from that.  Rick gets extra credit points as he was on full time the week of the sickness as I had to be in San Francisco for our annual sales kickoff.  He nursed both kids back to health so hoping we can sustain a healthy household for a bit now.  I really want to make a conscious effort to write on here more often.  It is a simple effort but means a lot to have thoughts and what we are up to these days. The kids are are such a spectacular age right now...that coupled with the sheer speed at which time passes, makes this a great space to look back and recall memories.  Teagan and Breckin are forging their relationship which entails lots of playing together, giggles, imagination and the occasional spat about a toy.  B man is still such a happy kid but he wears his emotions on his sleeve when big Sis makes him upset.  Teagan is enrolled in a multi sports class where they try a new sport each week. The first week was soccer in which she watched the entire class from the sidelines...more specifically from my side.  The next week was football and she watched for a bit and then jumped into the action.  We were SO proud of her. We know she is fast and very physical but she does get shy in group settings where she doesn't know the other kids. I truly loved watching her run the obstacle course that day. Speaking of shy...or lack of shyness...she is at the age where she will strike up a conversation with anybody at the grocery store, restaurant, people outside, on the bus, on the plane, etc. It is adorable and usually makes a person smile big.  B man still loves throwing balls, being tickled or chased, reading and interacting with sister.  

Life is good these days.  I am feeling really good about my not so new job and looking forward to what else this year has to offer!! I am sure it will be action packed per the norm! 


Holidays 2014

The holiday season was truly a magical one with Teagan and Breckin. T started anticipating Santas arrival early on as images of the bearded man begin appearing around town and in the stores.  Elf on the Shelf came out and T confirmed his name is Kuppah! We had planned to go to Colorado for a week and then celebrate with the annual Tiltges family Christmas family sleepover.  Colorado was great to be there for a solid week.  My parents new house is the perfect spot for us all to hang out and plenty of space for the kids to play.  It snowed on Christmas Day which made the day.  We got to sled with the kiddos and were joined by a special guest, brother Chris.  We went to the indoor pool twice which made the kids very happy! Teagan went down the big slides with Rick, myself and Papa.  B man went down the little slide over and over and over.  He eventually got distracted by the basketball games both in the pool and on the court and was absolutely mesmerized.  The boys and T shoveled, played in the snow, rode bikes, built a snowman and B man swept the garage haha! Busy kids! We got to visit with the Kelley's, Ashley and Eric, Audrey and Kyle and cousin Melissa.  It was so great to see so many family members during the week.  Mom made sure we were all fed very well each and every day.  Anything she makes is tasty and comforting.  I thought about how I have never lived in that house yet it is still home to me and feels that way without a doubt.  We were able to spend some time with Erik, Lehala and Silas although not enough as there was a little sickness going around.  They are great parents and Si is just a little stud! We exchanged gifts where T was more interested in handing out gifts than what was in them.  She did receive her light up shoes, clothes, games, a Dr set, baby carriage and much more.  B man got a bowling set, golf clubs, clothes, books and much more.  Such a great trip and the kids proved to be awesome little travelers yet again! We came home and had NYE at Dan and Cara's house complete with hanging tender, wings, lots of champagne and sparkling cider for the preschool age group.  The following weekend we had the Tiltges family sleepover which again some had to sit out on due to illness.  We all participated in another fun gift exchange, lots of goodies for the kids and the first annual present ball.  We had pizza and other yummies, played cards against humanity and enjoyed the additional company.  The only trace of Christmas are the new toys but it is true Christmas with kids is just incredibly magical.  Until next year! 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Teagan - 3 years old!

Dear Teagan, 

You are 3! As in 3 years old! Oh my goodness I am going to try my hardest to capture this age into words.  You are so full of life and spirit it just leaves me speechless at times.  We dance the line between these years of Declaration of Independence yet still so innocent and reliant of mom and dad.  You make us laugh every day and most days you get us to the point of pure in, do you speak English? Are you human? Honestly, you are the perfect blend of sass, spice and sweetness.  We learn as we go but most of all, we try to soak up these days as much as possible because your independence will grow stronger and your curiosity about the world will slowly be replaced by facts that hold the wonder at bay.  

We have had the most exciting summer and you just roll with the crazy punches.  From endless travel, car and airplane rides, Breckin turning 1, wild schedules, new faces, preschool, potty training, turning 3, mom changing jobs, new rules, new friends, go with the flow.  Thank you! 

I find myself, in the middle of play, just pausing to watch you.  Your imagination is in full force, you are a dry sponge just waiting to soak up the next bit.  And your curly blonde hair, blue eyes, kind nature, big heart, long legs, long eyelashes...oh my dear, they scare me! You are a beauty!  You cuddle your dollies and seconds later jump off the couch as if you were skydiving into the atmosphere.  You are so sweet to Breckin and are getting a good lesson in nurturing a baby brother, sharing toys, sharing time and learning to be friends as his interaction with you increases.  I left today for a trip to San Francisco to start my new job.  I fought back the tears as you, daddy and B-man waived good bye to me in the driveway but I knew you would be a big helper (and of course cause a bit of grief ;)).  

Some things that make you so special to us and the memories I want to hang onto:  your singing and dancing..all the time and with such great joy,  your care for your animals and dollies...rocking, changing diapers, singing, disciplining, etc,  your sense of humor...belly laughs are the best,  questions all day, why why why...I don't mind a bit because you are so curious.  I need to keep writing down your sayings...hilarious at the least.  

My little dear...I could go on and on.  The memories and the love just continue to build.  We just can't believe how lucky we are that we have the honor of being your parents.  


Mom and Dad

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

B-Man 1 Year Old!


Wow, are 1 year old!  Happy Birthday!  I remember your real birthday quite well.  It was on that day, after an easy breezy labor and delivery, I learned that my love can be multiplied in ways I never knew were possible.  I didn't know on that day what the next year would look like, in fact a small part of me was terrified but the joy overcame the uncertainty.  I had no idea that you would be the happiest baby in America!  I didn't know that you would just teach US how to parent YOU.  I am certain we over thought our every move with your sister for the first year.  So perhaps we changed too and you adapted with us.  Any way you shake it, THANK YOU!  Anybody who has met you knows your deep belly laughs and your warm smile.  It is a part of who you are right now and I hope that stays with you for a long time to come.

You are cautious yet curious these days.  You will watch Teagan from a distance and then dart after her at a very fast crawl to get in on the action.  You go with the flow most of the time although you are starting to fight back and make your opinion known when it comes to being the little brother.  Your absolute favorite toy right now is a BALL...any ball.  You throw it over and over and laugh and we must say you have a good arm for a 1 year old.  Lefty?  We wont know for some time but you do favor your left hand from time to time.  And climbing...just like your sister, you climb to the highest point and then wave with the proudest look of accomplishment.  Clapping and waving are the favorite arm gestures these days  You are extremely lovey...honestly, I just melt as you crawl over to me and lay your head on my lap as if you were giving me a hug.  I wish I could say it was all me but you do it to your sister, dad and the teachers at school.  Please do this forever!  I just soak it up!

You eat fantastic.  We are just now going through a period where you are more particular about your cuisine but for the most part, you will try anything once.  You love WATERMELON...nonstop, you eat it and it runs down your arms all over your face as you toss the rind and beg for more.  It is adorably messy! problem.  You are exhausted by bed time and usually open to a nap or two in the day.  We don't adhere to a strict schedule because life is just too busy and fun to operate like that.  You are still long and lean to the point where I wonder if we need to bulk you up.  But you are growing just fine! Your blonde wispy hair is curling in the back...blonde curly hair, look out ladies!  You weigh in at 23lbs (72th percentile) and 31.75" (95th percentile).  The Dr said you are growing right on track and called you a "flirt" and said "get this kid on the basketball court ASAP!"  

I look forward to watching you grow each and every day and year to come.  The first year has been a wonderful one..full of memories, photos, laughs, tears but mostly love.  I know the best is yet to come for you.  Just please please don't rush it too much.  I already know I will miss the pitter patter of your crawl as you start to walk in no time. 

Love always,



Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Breckin - 9/10 months

B-Man!  You are just 2 months away from being 1 year old.  How on earth?!  We had your 9 month appointment several weeks ago and you weighed 20lbs 11.5oz (68%) and were 31" long (100%).  You still have a big head that is perfectly round (19.02" 100%) with wispy blonde hair.  We think your hair might start to curl which would be adorable but would drive you nuts.  Either are our handsome, happy, chatty, active baby.  You make this parenting thing so enjoyable and simple at this stage.  You started crawling around 9 months (in fact you first went hands and knees in the baby pool at the lake over Memorial day weekend) and quickly would crawl to the nearest object you could pull yourself up on.  You just want to stand so you can see what is going on and also be closer to your sisters level.  Mealtime is your favorite still!  You rarely turn down food but I think you have a high metabolism like the rest of us and burn it off quickly before the next meal.  We went down from 5 to 4 bottles per day with 3 meals and snacks through the day.  You really enjoy the sippy cup so far.  And my oh favorite....your laugh!!!  It is like sweet sweet music to our ears when we get you going.  I could listen to it for hours on end.  Daddy will make faces, Teagan plays peek-a-boo or mommy will tickle your toes and you give the loudest belly laughs.  Please stay happy, buddy! 

We are a different set of parents this time around but one thing that remains the same is we will protect you yet empower you as you continue to grow.  We will have a lot of fun and I promise to continue to provide a happy, safe, balanced and nurturing childhood for you.  You will only be a baby for such a short short time but I will cherish these early days and months that you reach out for me, grab my nose, yank at my necklace, snuggle into my chest and smile at anything.  I really soak up the evenings as your long, lean body just melts into me as I read or sing to you.  The days can be long and literally non-stop from start to finish but I always get an incredible sense of calm as I kiss your head each night. We just love you to pieces!! I can't wait to continue watching you grow.  
